IGAC becomes Member of the Board of AEROSUISSE Switzerland

At this year’s Annual General Assembly of AEROSUISSE on May13, 2022, our Vice President, Gian Alessi was unanimously elected to the Board of AEROSUISSE Switzerland.

At this year’s Annual General Assembly of AEROSUISSE on May13, 2022, our Vice President, Gian Alessi was unanimously elected to the Board of AEROSUISSE Switzerland.

We are very happy about this and congratulate Gian very much on his election. We are fully convinced that he will represent the interests of IG Air Cargo to his best and we wish him much success in this position. 

In line with the strategy adopted last year, we want to strenghten the collaboration with our partner assocications and accordingly applied for a seat on the Board. Wtih the increased awareness of the importance of air cargo for our country since the pandemic, AEROSUISSE has also welcomed the fact that air cargo is strongly represented on its board. AEROSUISSE is well connected at federal level, where we can now bring our interests or concerns much stronger and direct to the right place.