Fee negotiations at Flughafen Zürich AG (EN)

Conclusion of negotiations on flight operating fees Flughafen Zürich AG

After several rounds of negotiations, Flughafen Zürich AG and the negotiating partners have reached a new agreement on flight operating fees from January 2021. As agreed, this was signed by Martin Theiler on the part of SPEDLOGSWISS and Lukas Gyger on the part of IG Air Cargo.

A summary of the results can be found in the FZAG press release: https://www.flughafen-zuerich.ch/unternehmen/medien/news-center/2020/jul/mm-20200715-gebuehrenverhandlung?cat=medienmitteilung&year=&search_string=

All in all, we are convinced that we have a result that takes into account the interests of the freight forwarding and aviation industry in the coming years and adequately reflects the current market uncertainties.

In principle, the current fee period will be extended with the current fees. FZAG will open the next procedure to adjust the fees to be charged at the point in time when, based on the last available financial statements of FZAG, the cumulative result (economic added value) since the beginning of the fee period (1.9.2016) is balanced or positive for the first time, but at the earliest after the financial statements for the 2020 financial year are available and at the latest four years after the adjustments to the fee regulations come into force (planned 1.1.2021).

A new feature is that the freight charge for airmail will be levied on export mail. For all other forwarders, the charges on imported air freight will continue to apply. In addition, the flight operation fees will be reduced by 10% in 2021 (excluding noise and emission fees).

The members affiliated to IG Air Cargo who are users of Zurich Airport have the right to demand a change in the outcome of the negotiations in accordance with Art. 26 para. 2 FGV. The deadlines and the procedure are documented in accordance with paragraph 26 of the agreement (amendments to be submitted to the CFO of Zurich Airport by August 5).