Annual General Assembly 2023 – Payerne Airport

This year’s General Assembly took place on June 21, 2023 at the Musée de l’Aviation Militaire at Payerne Airport. More than 60 members and guests followed the invitation. 

Upon arrival, the guests were greeted with the takeoff of an F/A 18 squadron, which led most to believe that this might be part of this year’s program. The board let them believe so. The General Assembly started with a guided tour of the privately run Military Aircraft Museum. With a lot of passion former military pilots guided us in three groups during more than 1 1/2 hours through the exhibition and kept the participants spellbound with their knowledge.

Afterwards, the official part of the General Assembly started under the lead of the President. Besides of the presentation and approval of the annual accounts and budget, the re-election of the president, vice-president, auditor and controller was on the agenda. All current functionaries were unanimously re-elected for the next term. 

Furthermore, one looked back on the past activities and offered an outlook on the upcoming core topics and events. In addition, Andreas Behnke (Swissport BSL) informed the participants about the current status of PASSAR in connection with the new EU regulation for the specification of the HCTC code for RFS shipments at the end of the year. It was seen as a wake-up call in the community to be ready until the implementation.

The 2022 financial statements were unanimously approved and the Board of Directors was granted discharge. The minutes of the assembly as well as a copy of the presentation of this day are available on the website ( under the member section (“Association Documents”).

Upon the closing of the assembly all participants were invited to a rich Apéro Riche at the museum.