About Us


To develop and support an efficient, modern and unified air cargo community in Switzerland. 


Strengthen air cargo
To carry out lobbying, communication and PR activities through social, economic and political channels. To ensure that air cargo, as one of the most important transport modes for the Swiss export industry, gains further in acceptance for the benefit of the entire economy.


Actively find common solutions
To focus on key air freight challenges in collaboration with other associations and partners on both a national and international level. To initiate and lead innovative industry projects for efficient and lean processes.


Develop through communication
To secure open communication, allowing an effective and fruitful exchange of information and experiences. To organise air cargo forums, presentations, members’ meetings and other events.


 Together we are stronger

We position ourselves as true industry experts representing the interests of air cargo in Switzerland under one umbrella. We connect all interested parties and cooperate with other industry associations whenever it benefits air cargo development.

We maintain close relations with authorities and politicians, with the aim of strengthening the position of air cargo. On a global basis, we follow and support IATA, TIACA & GACAC by implementing their overall objectives and priorities in Switzerland.

Cooperation with other Industry Associations

Economie Suisse Spedlogswiss
Swiss Shippers Council


Board of Airline Represenatives in Switzerland
science industries Switzerland
 Swiss International Airports Association


General Assembly

Executive Committee

Administrative Office






Section BaselSection Zurich




  • The Interest Group Air Cargo Switzerland is an association based on Swiss law, consisting of 3 sections in Basel, Geneva and Zurich
  • Member companies register at a national level; they are invited to report their air cargo branch offices to become part of one of the 3 sections
  • Activities at a national level are led by the national Executive Committee (EXCOM), composed of 9 delegates (2 each from BSL, GVA, ZRH; 2 from SPEDLOGSWISS; 1 president elected by the General Assembly)
  • The 3 sections are each headed by a regional management board elected by local representatives of the member companies
  • The administrative officer takes care of all administrative duties allocated to this office by the General Assembly